
Games consoles

Video games consoles are one of AllTheContent’s key devices as they offer a unique multimedia experience aimed at our target audience – a young internet-savvy audience.

We can supply a wide range of contents for all kinds (home and hand-held) of games consoles: multimedia texts on trending topics, video clips, catchy Flash quizzes. One of the many web feeds we can supply is the latest gaming news.

These services have different modes of delivery: via standard internet protocols or the console’s internet connections. In some cases, we licence the contents in advance so that they are ready and waiting on the console as soon as the users take it out of its packaging. Some content can also be included in an app and delivered to the console’s proprietary memory card.

We can produce all applications in most languages and supply feeds on any topic.

We offer flat rates to our partners who can then offer these services free of charge to the end-user or bill for them.

We the technical capacity to provide you with support with your newsfeed. We can provide you with a flux of content, concentrating on your needs and can be defused in real-time on your game consoles.

To feed your game console, we can offer you a pack of videos on all themes. For example, movies, documentaries, video presentation and game demonstration. We can provide the appropriate licenses for all of your video needs.

We can provide you with unique and exclusive content. With our team of professionals, we can produce special emissions on games consoles, or, for example, put together the best players for a particular game or gaming event.

We can create an application that will enable you to control the user browsing experience. This application provides access to various texts, audio and video content. You can also define the content viewing scenario and enhance the overall user experience.


AllTheContent has over ten years media and content production experience. We are expert in the field and have provided various companies with strategy support.

Do you wonder how your console can become a new attractive media?

Would you like to know what type of content to broadcast?

Would you like to obtain strategic advice on how to manage your new media?

Contact us for more information and let us help you!

Case study: Sony

Customer issue

Sony, which produces PSP (Play Station Portable), wanted to publicise how its console could be used with the internet and introduce users to websites specially formatted for the console and its technical specifications.

AllTheContent's solution

We brought together our technical expertise and editorial know-how to produce a series of mini websites with celebrity news and interactive trivia quizzes.
